Solving the global crisis in antimicrobial resistance
The failure of antibiotics is one of the greatest threats we face – epidemics driven by multiple pathogens, united by increasing resistance to the tools we use to defeat them.
Yet investment has declined in both innovation and access to diagnostics and therapeutics. Conventional wisdom calls this ‘market failure’.
And there is no focus on delivering innovations to patients – even though the AMR challenge is greatest in LMICs, where the capacity to meet it is at its lowest.
What is missing is an investable, sustainable business model which connects innovations to patients, and returns to innovators.

That model is Aranda.
Our edge
We are building a durable ecosystem of research, innovation and delivery at scale, keeping humanity one step ahead of bacterial evolution.
Our vision
Ensuring antimicrobial diagnostics and therapeutics are developed and appropriately delivered to people in need, using a financially solvent, sustainable mechanism.

Our sustainable business model
- Fixed price portfolio includes existing and novel antimicrobial diagnostic consumables and therapeutics at fixed annual pricing for the entire portfolio.
- Ongoing stewardship designed to ensure diagnostics are used, medicines are tracked, available, and that the right patients are treated with the right drug at the right time.
- Sustainable model using a hybrid business approach designed to enable access to grants, equity, and debt to ensure scale and finance growth sustainably.
And enabled by a proven methodology – the delivery assurance process – which engages experiential project design to mobilize resources and drives the machinery of governments, industry and civil society to deliver results.
We provide an opportunity to establish a commercial business designed to solve one of the world’s most intractable problems