The AMR Challenge
Treating the right pathogens, at the right time, with the right therapeutics, for the right patientsGetting innovations to patients, and revenue to innovators.

Developing new therapies in medicine is hard, requiring $ billions in investment and many, many failures before a safe and effective therapy is registered.
Yet that’s all before we try to deliver those innovations to patients, in the right places, to treat the right pathogens, at the right time.
Existing solutions to AMR don’t address all aspects of the challenge. The narrative is all about market failures driving investment and R&D failure.
But that’s not the whole story.
‘Delivery’ failures are the key limiting factors behind the AMR problem – the inability of companies to get their innovations to patients in all countries, not just high-income ones. That’s where most people live.
Why the innovation-to-patient challenge is greater with AMR
- Antibiotics are historically cheap, and patients don’t use them for long.
- If priced by usage, it takes a lot of treatments to refund investments in R&D, so therapeutics become unaffordable.
- What is worse is that the more antibiotics are used, the faster the bacteria learn to resist.
- We must therefore solve the AMR challenge, and make antimicrobials available everywhere… but only use them when it is vital to do so.
- But, who would invest $ billions in innovations and $ millions in delivery for a product to then be rarely used?

Pricing and access issues compound the problem
- Drug innovations are traditionally priced per dose, with tiered pricing structures calculated by reference to a country’s income status.
- But this leads to glaring inequities: available funding for patient delivery is at its lowest, just when the AMR challenge is hardest.
- Further, since big companies never really achieve equitable access globally, how can small innovators be expected to do so?
- The solution is clear: pricing structures de-linked from usage, alongside targeted delivery to patients in need.
- Aranda achieves both, driving accelerated access across low- and medium-income countries, and creating revenue for innovators and manufacturers across the world.
Governments can’t solve everything alone
- Since companies can’t solve the AMR challenge, governments need to step in.
- But governments with the greatest AMR challenges often have the least power to fix them, even though most have AMR stewardship policies on a shelf somewhere.
- And industry has no incentive to go through the regulatory, supply and pharmacovigilance processes to ensure their products are available in every country, large or small. The economics just never stack up.
- Governments must also ensure controlled use – careful stewardship of antimicrobials, so the rate of rising resistance is reduced.
- Aranda addresses all these issues:
- Through supplying the full range of diagnostics and therapeutics needed within fixed price portfolios, we create revenue which helps reduce innovator R&D risk and enhances ‘pull’ for new innovations.
- We work with low- and middle-income countries on regulatory compliance and supply, access, adoption and appropriate use, and we help implement a stewardship program to constantly monitor usage.
- And we do so using a financially solvent mechanism – meaning we don’t need ever-increasing infusions of public funding from donors to do so.

We provide an opportunity to establish a commercial business designed to solve one of the world’s most intractable problems